Perception of Clinical Dental and Medical Students towards the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
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Objective: To evaluate the perception of clinical dental and medical students towards Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of clinical medical and dental students. A self-administered questionnaire comprising of two sections; sociodemographic characteristics and perception of the respondents towards OSCE was used to garner data for the study. Data obtained was analysed using IBM SPSS version 21.0. The analysis was done using frequency distribution and cross tabulations. Chi square was used to test for level of significance. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
medical (79.8%) and dental (20.2%) students. Majority (98.4%) were aware that OSCE was a method of assessment. However only 28.1% correctly described OSCE. Majority (92.1%) were of the opinion that OSCEs are designed fairly while 88.9% felt OSCEs are properly organized. Less than half (43.9%) of the respondents opined that OSCEs are stress free. With regards to bias, 88.9% felt that OSCEs reduce bias related to type of clinical case while 85.4% claimed it reduces bias related to examiner. There was statistically significant association between school of respondent and perception that OSCE is stress free. There was statistically significant association between class of respondent and perception that OSCE reduces bias related to type of clinical case as well as bias related to examiner.
Conclusion: OSCE seems to be a valid and reliable assessment method among clinical medical and dental students. However, there is need to educate medical and dental students on what OSCE entails periodically before each examination.